> Are you sure this is formatted as PC0, it sounds like it is formatted
> as an IBM disk. You can share files across the platforms but you
> should provide the disk to your PC friends as disks formatted to the
> IBM PC format can not be read on Amigas. Go ahead and format a bunch
> of disks as PC0 and label them Amiga PC0, these are the only disks
> that your friends should use to swap with you.
I can read any IBM formatted PC diskettes (1.44), but this one was the first (as I said) which I couldn't read :(
I got various explanations (thanx guys) so I think it is up to "bulk" formatted disk. So - if I can't read PC formatted disk from the first time I instert it in my Amiga, then there is no way to see it at all (if I understand well). Then I have to bring my diskette, formatted to PC format and copy files from that "unreadable" PC0: to my diskette.
Am I right?
Also I found that reading even 9KB text (from PC formatted diskette) on my Amiga needs around 20 seconds (!) to show up!
Really _terrible_ slooow, but I can't do nothing. Eh...
<tsb>D.J.Nick | D-Tronic, Sindjeliceva 11/8, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia (YU)
I was wrong when told you that my PC formatted drive to 1.44 was slow.
Actually - it is TERRIBLE sloooow!
For example:
# Deleting 3 small files from PC diskette takes around 45 (!!!!) seconds!
# Then displaying 9 kilobytes TXT file (!!!) takes around 40 to 62 (!!!!!) seconds!!!
It is awful!!
What to do??? Itis just impossible it is soo slow! Do I need something to fix or ?? Don't understand why it is hell slooow! Needs ONE minute for just 9KB file to show up!!! Terible :((
And for those who don't know, I paid for this "internal HD drive from A4000" 150 DM!!
Kind regards
<tsb>D.J.Nick | D-Tronic, Sindjeliceva 11/8, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia (YU)